Thursday, December 24, 2020

If you save yourself you will also be saving others

A Tibetan Lama I studied with put it to me like this: He said that: "When you move towards enlightenment you take everyone around you with you. It's sort of like a napkin in your lap while eating dinner. If you grab that napkin with 2 fingers and begin to lift it, you are the top of the napkin but everyone you know (all your relatives and friends and then their relatives and friends) are like the threads of this fabric of the cloth napkin and when you move towards enlightenment you begin to take everyone you know with you towards enlightenment too.

This is also my experience more each day as well.

Like for example, my doctor asked me recently if I was stressed and I said, "The only thing that really stresses me is the coronavirus and what it is doing to everyone."

He was really surprised that other things are not bothering me that much. For example, my wife and I get along really well for around 26 years now. We tell each other how grateful we are for each other every day many times going through all this. We tell each other how grateful we are for our dog we got last January as a 2 month old puppy because this saved us a lot of grief because we are missing all our children who are now adults and not living with us or near us anymore even though we have enough room for them to live with us if they needed to. So,  this puppy becoming a dog was like raising a child this year and it was silly and happy and the dog didn't know coronavirus from a hole in the ground. All the dog knows is that is loves us and loves everyone it meets.

So, because of this it has made our lives survivable and bearable. So, from my point of view the only real problem that my wife and I face is our health and taking care of our dog and being there when our friends and our children and grandchildren need us. So far so good.

As soon as I got my pacemaker put in in June my life became good like it was about 20 years ago again. Sure there are bumps and hiccups but I realize now I might live to 80, 90 or 100 or more the way my life is going now.

By God's Grace 

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